From Vision to Implementation!
Yogastemic Counseling Psychology
for E Yoga instructors
The support of yoga instructors was a demand from very early on, and arose from personal need and experience. While we have amazing teachers, trainers, lecturers in our field, there is a lack, I have felt, of a support and meeting place for lecturers, who can seek professional help on issues related to their work and their place in the classroom. The vision is to provide counseling and supervision services to yoga teachers and to create counseling and support groups!

Sadhana (personal practice)
Sadhana is one of the main fields of inspiration, feedback and discharge. It works either supportively and complementary or independently of the "Yogastemic Counseling Psychology" sessions depending on the request, the needs, the time available to the interested party.
Aimed at yoga instructors and practitioners who either want to deepen their practice or don't have the time for weekly meetings. It is supported at points by recorded or videotaped instructions.
The recommended practices are personalized and renewed at regular intervals depending on the progress and goals of the practitioner.