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Systemic Counseling with Family Orientation

  • psychoeducation

  • self awareness

  • cultivating communication skills

  • development of emotional intelligence

The Systems approach is a synthetic model of counseling and psychotherapy. It combines knowledge and tools from schools of family therapy and short- or long-term psychotherapy used according to the client's request, need, temperament and stage of treatment.

Also, we now often talk about the connection of body, mind or psyche. It is now a common experience how one affects the other, how a difficult thought or feeling affects the body and vice versa. It is for this reason as well as personal experience, training and experience that in our sessions we have the possibility to use tools from meditation practices and elements from yoga, as methods of regulating and balancing the nervous system, complementary to the practice of talking therapy.


Individual Sessions

Individual Systemic Counseling sessions respond to specific requests concerning professional, personal or social life. They are also aimed at anyone who intends to start psychotherapy and wishes to highlight issues that he would like to deal with in depth in a second year.


Group Sessions

Group counseling sessions are for people with common origins, common requests or a specific topic each time.

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